Sunday, February 5, 2012

new blood!

     Well sad to say the new year brings the group total down two. One person is being a good father and staying home with their new baby. The other chap was promoted and now his work schedule conflicts with the game time. We had played a few games and then decided that a game with just 4 people, including the gm was not as much fun. So we posted notices at all the gaming shops in town. The only one we confirmed that actually posted our group was down in Bellevue. Ground Zero is awesome. The rest thought that our Sunday group would take customers from their shop games. PUH -Lease. There are no Sunday games in the game shops, so we would pull zero people from them. needless to say i'll be doing all my shopping with the Ground zero chaps.
     As soon as we post the signs, we get one old player back to the group and then other events got in the way. So finally I decided that I would get on the player finder databases as well as the local craigslist. I don't remember how many emails I sent out but we did get three responses. Two of the three were for solid players and the last decided he didn't like our game mix. We have filled our two spots.
     But the question comes up, what if the other two chaps come back. One assumes that as the baby grows, it will free up the Dad, but how soon would that be. Also what happens if another person higher up leaves and suddenly his work schedule opens back up again. We don't have enough chairs for all of them. So the question is how long do you keep a seat open for a player?
      We don't have a good answer for that, but the point is for us that are still playing, to have fun. And just 3 players is not as much fun as seven players. Odds are that we have nothing to worry about. but what do you say?